Thursday, December 19, 2019

What’s in your pockets

As firefighters we tend to have different tools that we carry with us in our fire gear. Those tools can be different from person to person. The question ends up being what is in your pockets? When we start evaluate what we carry in our gear the first question that should be asked is what type of incidents do I normally respond to and what will help me with those incidents? The next question that should be asked is what is what tool might save my life or the life ofa fellow firefighter? Once you answer these questions you should decide on what you’re going to carry. The thing that we can tend to do sometimes is overload our pockets and become a walking tool box. Don’t overload yourself with a bunch of tools because you might just need it someday. Be smart about what you are going to carry and make sure it has a purpose. Give me a few examples of the unique tools that you carry with you as a firefighter. We as a fire service should be learning from everyone else. Pay it forward and give me a few ideas

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